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And Peter opened his mouth and said:

Most certainly and thoroughly I now

perceive and understand that God

shows no partiality and is no

respecter of persons.

But in every nation he who

venerates and has a reverential

fear of God, treating Him with worshipful

obedience and living uprightly,

is acceptable to Him and sure of

being received and welcomed by Him.

You know the contents of the message

which He sent to Israel, announcing

the good news (BEST NEWS EVER) 

of peace by Jesus Christ,

Who is Lord of all-

The  same message which was

proclaimed throughout all Judea, 

starting from Galilee after the baptism preached by John-

How God anointed and consecrated Jesus of

Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and … Continue Reading


When you read this you can understand

my insight into the mystery of Christ.

This mystery has never been disclosed

to human beings in past generations

as it has now been revealed to His holy

apostles and prophets by the Holy Spirit.

It is this: that the Gentiles are now to be

fellow heirs with the Jews, members of

the same body and joint partakers in the

same divine promise in Christ through

their acceptance of the glad tidings

(the Gospel-Best News Ever).

(Ephesians 3.4-6).



When you read this you can

understand my insight

into the mystery of Christ.

This mystery was never

disclosed to human beings

in past generations as it has

now been revealed to His

holy apostles and prophets

by the Holy Spirit.

It is this: that the Gentiles are

now to be fellow heirs with the

Jews, members of the same

body and joint partakers in

the same divine promise in

Christ through their acceptance

of the glad tidings.


The Lord is not slow in keeping His promise, as some

understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting

anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.

(II. Peter 3.9).



But do not forget this one thing, dear friends:

With the Lord a day is like a thousand years,

and a thousand years are like a day.

The Lord is not slow in keeping His promise, as some

understand slowness.

He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish,

but everyone to come to repentance.

(II. Peter 3. 8 & 9).



Behold, My Servant shall deal wisely and shall prosper.

He shall be exalted and shall stand very high.

For many the Servant of God became an object of horror.

Many were astonished at Him. His face and His whole

appearance were marred more than any man’s, and His

form beyond that of the sons of men- but just as many

were astonished at Him.

So shall he startle and sprinkle many nations, and kings

shall shut there mouths because of Him; for that which

has not been told them shall they see, and that which they

have not heard shall they consider and understand.

(Isaiah 52.13-15).

Even as my preaching has been … Continue Reading


Because of the hope of experiencing what is laid up for you in heaven.

Of this hope you heard in the past in the message of the truth of the


Which has come to you. Indeed, in the whole world the BEST NEWS EVER

is bearing fruit and still is growing by its own inherent power, even as it

has done among yourselves ever since the day you first heard and came to

know and understand the grace of God in truth.

(Colossians 1.6).


The Secret of AGAPE LOVE

The love of God is poured out into our hearts by

the Holy Spirit whereby we cry ‘Daddy, Father!’

In this is revealed God our Father, His Eternal Son Jesus

Christ our Elder Brother, the Holy Spirit bearing witness

to our adoption as sons.

In the unique Unity of the Trinity God is eternal,

permanent and perfect Holy Love.

The interaction of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit is

eternally initiated, motivated and perpetuated by,

for and in this divine and excellent Love.

All of this is in the context of eternal parameters, beyond

time and space.

We have this Love transferred to us as a timeless,

supernatural and existential action by God to bring us

into … Continue Reading

Intellectually Stimulating and Rewarding Spiritual Rebirth

Intellectually Stimulating and Rewarding Spiritual Rebirth

Led by the Spirit, we understand that we are now sons of God.

This is our new identity when we are in communion with Jesus the Christ.

We know He became one of us and did not count equality with

God something to hold on and grasp to, but He emptied Himself

of His divine privileges and prerogatives. This is known as Kenosis.

He came to identify with humanity as a human, as a servant and

experienced the death on the cross by being identified as a criminal.

When we embrace Him as our Lord and Savior we take on His identity

and are in union with Him. We then have His thought … Continue Reading


For this reason (because I  preached

that you are thus built up together),

I, Paul, (am) the prisoner of Jesus

the Christ for the sake and on behalf

of you Gentiles-

Assuming that you have heard of the

stewardship of God’s grace (His

unmerited favor) that was entrusted

to me (to dispense to you) for your


And that the mystery was revealed to

me as I briefly wrote to you.

When you read this you can understand

my insight into the mystery of Christ.

This mystery was never disclosed to

humans in the past as it has now been

revealed to His holy apostles and

prophets by the Holy Spirit.

It is this: that the Gentiles are … Continue Reading