November 11, 2009
New Birth
Tags: best, disclosed, discovered, exercise, free, Gospel, human, power, proclaim, riches, unlimited
Of this Gospel I was made a minister
according to the gift of God’s free grace
which was bestowed on me by the exercise
of His power.
To me, though I am the very least of all the
saints, this grace was granted and graciously
entrusted, to proclaim to the Gentiles the
unlimited riches of Christ (unending, boundless,
fathomless, incalculable wealth which no human
could have discovered.
(Ephesians 3.7 and 8).
1) The unlimited riches of Christ has
been revealed in the Gospel, the Best
News Ever.
2) This declaration to the world is made
possible by God’s power.
3) The unending, boundless, fathomless,
incalculable, inexhaustible wealth of Christ
could only be discovered and disclosed
by the announcement of … Continue Reading