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St. Paul is telling us that his purpose is to attain

the fullness of all that being in Christ brings to us.

The complete fulfilment of everything He has for us.

 To reach our full potential in Christ by fulfilling the purpose

for which Christ has laid hold of us and made us His own

we grasp this most amazing opportunity and press on.

His purpose for our lives shall then be actualized.

” Not that I have now attained this ideal, or have already

been made perfect, but I press on to lay hold of, grasp and

make my own, that for which Christ Jesus has laid

hold of me and made … Continue Reading

Intellectually Stimulating and Rewarding Spiritual Rebirth

Intellectually Stimulating and Rewarding Spiritual Rebirth

Led by the Spirit, we understand that we are now sons of God.

This is our new identity when we are in communion with Jesus the Christ.

We know He became one of us and did not count equality with

God something to hold on and grasp to, but He emptied Himself

of His divine privileges and prerogatives. This is known as Kenosis.

He came to identify with humanity as a human, as a servant and

experienced the death on the cross by being identified as a criminal.

When we embrace Him as our Lord and Savior we take on His identity

and are in union with Him. We then have His thought … Continue Reading