October 05, 2009
New Birth, New Creation
Tags: blissful, enjoy, even, EVEN WE OURSELVES, first, foretaste, fruits, groan, groans, labors, meditate, meditation, More, ourselves, pains, we, world
For we know that the whole creation
groans and labors with birth pains
together until now.
Not only the creation, but we ourselves
too, who have and enjoy the first fruits
of the Holy Spirit, even we
ourselves groan within ourselves
eagerly waiting for the redemption
of our bodies which will reveal our
adoption as God’s sons.
( Romans 8. 22 and 23).
Meditate about the following:
1) The entire creation is awaiting the
manifestation of God’s children.
2) The entire creation groans and labors
in labor pains until then.
3) We also who have and enjoy the
firstfruits of the Holy Spirit ( a foretaste
of the blissful world to come) groan inwardly
as we wait for the redemption of … Continue Reading