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When you read this you can understand

my insight into the mystery of Christ.

This mystery has never been disclosed

to human beings in past generations

as it has now been revealed to His holy

apostles and prophets by the Holy Spirit.

It is this: that the Gentiles are now to be

fellow heirs with the Jews, members of

the same body and joint partakers in the

same divine promise in Christ through

their acceptance of the glad tidings

(the Gospel-Best News Ever).

(Ephesians 3.4-6).



When you read this you can

understand my insight

into the mystery of Christ.

This mystery was never

disclosed to human beings

in past generations as it has

now been revealed to His

holy apostles and prophets

by the Holy Spirit.

It is this: that the Gentiles are

now to be fellow heirs with the

Jews, members of the same

body and joint partakers in

the same divine promise in

Christ through their acceptance

of the glad tidings.


Of this Gospel I was made a minister

according to the gift of God’s free grace

which was bestowed on me by the exercise

of His power.

To me, though I am the very least of all the

saints, this grace was granted and graciously

entrusted, to proclaim to the Gentiles the

unlimited riches of Christ (unending, boundless,

fathomless, incalculable wealth which no human

could have discovered.

(Ephesians 3.7 and 8).


1) The unlimited riches of Christ has

been revealed in the Gospel, the Best

News Ever.

2) This declaration to the world is made

possible by God’s power.

3) The unending, boundless, fathomless,

incalculable, inexhaustible wealth of Christ

could only be discovered and disclosed

by the announcement of … Continue Reading


For this reason (because I  preached

that you are thus built up together),

I, Paul, (am) the prisoner of Jesus

the Christ for the sake and on behalf

of you Gentiles-

Assuming that you have heard of the

stewardship of God’s grace (His

unmerited favor) that was entrusted

to me (to dispense to you) for your


And that the mystery was revealed to

me as I briefly wrote to you.

When you read this you can understand

my insight into the mystery of Christ.

This mystery was never disclosed to

humans in the past as it has now been

revealed to His holy apostles and

prophets by the Holy Spirit.

It is this: that the Gentiles are … Continue Reading