May 06, 2010
creation 2.0
Tags: cross, death, destruction, eternal, eternal life, eternity, evil, fellowship, futility, humanity, joy, mission accomplished, rescue, sin, time and eternity, time and space continuum
Time and eternity, temporal and eternal are contrasts impossible to ignore.
We stand in awe as we see that for the joy that was set before Him, Jesus
Christ endured the cross, despising the shame and is seated at the right
hand of the glory on high. His mission accomplished is the salvation
of mankind, the rescue of humanity from futility, from the chains of sin,
evil and destruction.
Himself being eternal and beyond time, He entered the time and space continuum
He had created. He became one of us to make us one with Him.
Being eternally divine He became human to restore us to right relationship, to
fellowship with God.
In this … Continue Reading