April 18, 2014
Called To, New Birth, Spirit led, Spirituality
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Tags: Cephas, Christ, first of all, James, Scriptures, the Twelve, third day
I passed on to you first of all
what I also receieved, that Christ
died for our sins in accordance
with the Scriptures,
That He was buried, that He rose
on the third day as the Scriptures
And also that He appeared to Cephas,
then to the Twelve.
Then later He showed Himself to more
than five hundred brothers and sisters
at one time, the majority of whom are
still alive, but some have fallen asleep.
Afterward He was seen by James,
then by all the apostles,
And last of all He appeared to me also,
as to one prematurely born and dead.
For I am the least of the apostles, who
am not fit to be … Continue Reading