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“Now it is high time to awake out of sleep:

For now is our salvation nearer

than when we believed.

The night is far spent, the day is at hand.”

This moment in time is the high time for us

and all humanity to wake up.

This is the day of salvation. Today is the day.

Seize the day, while it is called today.

“Today if ye will hear His voice,

harden not your hearts.” (Hebrews 3.7-8).

Now is our salvation nearer than when we believed.

Because in every moment we are at the leading edge

of the time- space continuum and make the best of

what time we have in this present … Continue Reading



Therefore do not be vague and thoughtless and foolish, but

understanding and firmly grasping what the will of the Lord is.

And do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery; but ever be

filled and stimulated with the Holy Spirit.

(Ephesians 5.17 and 18).


1) Awake and fully alive to the purposes and plan of our

Lord and Savior we can live out His Life in His Light by the

accurate and precise guidance of the Holy Spirit, sensibly,

wisely and intelligently.

2) Making the best of our time by prioritizing His Kingdom and

His righteousness we can be on target and effective.

3) Maximizing … Continue Reading