Tags: access, Christ Jesus, the Father, the Holy Spirit
It is through Christ Jesus that we have access
by the Holy Spirit to the Father.
(Ephesians 2.18).
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Tags: access, Christ Jesus, the Father, the Holy Spirit
It is through Christ Jesus that we have access
by the Holy Spirit to the Father.
(Ephesians 2.18).
Tags: access, character, enjoy, faith, Glory, God, God's favor, hope, joy, joyful, our Lord Jesus Christ, peace, rejoice, the Holy Spirit
Since we are declared righteous,
and given a right standing with
God through faith, let us grasp
the fact that we have the peace
of reconciliation to hold and to
enjoy peace with God through
our Lord Jesus Christ.
Through Him also we have our
access by faith into God’s favor
in which we firmly and safely
And let us rejoice and exult in
our hope of experiencing and
enjoying the glory of God.
Moreover let us also be full of
joy now! Let us exult and triumph
in our troubles and rejoice in our
suffering, knowing that pressure
and hardship produce patient and
unswerving endurance.
And endurance develops maturity
of character. And character produces
joyful and confident hope of eternal
Such … Continue Reading
Tags: access, aspects, bold, bold access, enlighten, His power, infinite, infinite variety, innumerable, purpose, timeless, timeless purpose, to give light, variety
Of this Gospel I was made a minister according to the gift of God’s free grace
which was bestowed on me by the exercise of His power.
To me, though I am the very least of all the saints this grace was granted
and graciously entrusted: to proclaim to the nations the unending riches of
Also to enlighten all men and make plain to them what is the plan of the
mystery kept hidden through the ages and concealed until now in God
Who created all things by Christ Jesus.
That through the church the complicated, many-sided wisdom of God
in all its infinite variety and innumerable aspects … Continue Reading
Tags: access, approach, boldness, creation 2.0, dare, free, freedom, unhindered, unreserved, we
This is in accordance with
the terms of the eternal
and timeless purpose which
He has realized and carried
into effect in Christ Jesus
our Lord.
In whom, because of our
faith in Him we dare to have
the boldness (courage and
confidence) free access (an
unreserved approach to
God with freedom and
without fear.
(Ephesians 3.11 and 12)
1) God’s plan and purpose
for humanity was effected
through Jesus Christ who
is divine and human.
2) This is why in Him and by
thorough faith in Him we now
dare have free,
unhindered and confident
access to God.
Tags: access, character, confident, endurance, experiencing, firmly, fortitude, habit, hardship, integrity, joyful, maturity, poured, rescue, safely, triumph
Therefore, since we are justified
( acquitted, declared righteous,
and given a right standing with
God) through faith, let us grasp
the fact that we have the peace
of reconciliation to hold and to enjoy
peace with God through our Lord
Jesus Christ the Messiah, the
Anointed One.
Through Him also we have received
our access ( entrance, introduction)
by faith into His grace (state of God’s
favor) in which we (firmly and safely)
stand. And let us rejoice and exult in
our hope of experiencing and enjoying
the glory of God.
Moreover let us also be full of joy now!
Let us exult and triumph in our troubles
and enjoy in our sufferings, knowing that
pressure and affliction and … Continue Reading