September 22, 2012
Called To, creation 2.0, New Birth, New Creation, praise, Spirit led, Spirituality
Comments Off on DIVINE PROMISE
Tags: acceptance, Christ, disclosed, divine promise, fellow heirs, generations, Gentiles, glad tidings, holy apostles, Holy Spirit, human beings, in Christ, insight, Jews, mystery, partakers, prophets, read, revealed, same body, understand
When you read this you can
understand my insight
into the mystery of Christ.
This mystery was never
disclosed to human beings
in past generations as it has
now been revealed to His
holy apostles and prophets
by the Holy Spirit.
It is this: that the Gentiles are
now to be fellow heirs with the
Jews, members of the same
body and joint partakers in
the same divine promise in
Christ through their acceptance
of the glad tidings.